How do we increase female sport participation in Mexico City?

We knew in order to ignite a sport movement for women we had to overcome a couple of key barriers. First, we needed to challenge the fear of doing sport alone in public which is a reality for most women in the country.

We also needed to ensure it wasn’t intimidating or hyper-competitive so that we could scale the number of women that engaged with the brand.

We created the largest womens fitness competition in Mexico City’s history.

We asked squads of women to compete together by logging the most minutes of activity to make it safer and more democratic.

We also inspired the women of Mexico with a strong rally cry.

‘Juntas Imparables’ which translates to ‘unstoppable together’ became the message to empower the women of Mexico City to take to the streets in the name of sport.


Minutes of sport activity logged through Nike apps


Views of the film on youtube within the first thirty days


Increase in tra ffic to Nike .com in Mexico